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抖音团购如何开通外卖 2024年最新攻略!(超好用
发布时间:2024-07-03        浏览次数:6        返回列表

Welcome to the world of Douyin, the popular short video platform that has taken the world by storm! As a business owner, you may already be aware of the vast potential and reach that Douyin offers. In this article, we will take you on a journey to explore the process of opening a delivery service on Douyin, and equip you with the necessary knowledge and materials to kick-start your business today. So, let's dive right in!

Understanding Douyin Delivery Service

Before we delve into the intricacies of opening a delivery service on Douyin, let's take a moment to understand the significance of this feature. Douyin Delivery Service, often referred to as Douyin Takeout, allows businesses like yours to offer food delivery directly through the platform. With the rising popularity of food delivery services, this feature provides an additional avenue for businesses to reach a wider customer base and increase their revenue.

Opening Douyin Takeout - The Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Account Verification - Becoming a Douyin Blue V Certified Account

To open a delivery service on Douyin, you need to have a verified account. The coveted Douyin Blue V certification sets you apart from other businesses, boosting your credibility and visibility. To obtain the Blue V certification, you must follow these steps:

  • Ensure that your business license is valid and up to date.
  • Apply for verification through the Douyin platform by providing the necessary documents and information. These may include your business license, ID card, and other relevant identification.
  • Await approval from the Douyin team. This process may take some time, so be patient!
  • Step 2: Preparing Required Materials

    Now that you have successfully obtained your Blue V certification, it's time to gather the materials needed to launch your Douyin Takeout. Here are the key materials you will need:

    • High- images of your food items: Customers are enticed by visually appealing images. So, make sure your food images are well-lit and showcase the deliciousness of your offerings.
    • Detailed menus: Create a comprehensive menu that includes all your dishes with clear descriptions and pricing information.
    • Promotional banners: Design eye-catching banners that highlight any ongoing offers, discounts, or new additions to your menu.
    • Delivery information: Provide accurate details about your delivery radius, delivery charges, and estimated delivery time. Transparency in this information helps customers make informed decisions.
    • Contact details: Share your contact information such as your phone number or email address for customer in or feedback.
    The Power of Douyin Delivery Service

    The Douyin Delivery Service offers numerous advantages that can propel your business to new heights. Let's explore some of these benefits:

    • Reach a vast audience: Douyin has a massive user base, and by offering delivery services, you instantly gain access to millions of potential customers.
    • Boost brand visibility: With the Douyin Blue V certification, your business gains credibility and trust, enhancing your brand's visibility on the platform.
    • Seamless ordering process: Customers can effortlessly browse through your menu, place orders, and track their delivery, all within the Douyin app.
    • Increase revenue: By expanding your business to Douyin, you open up new revenue streams, significantly increasing your overall revenue.

    Don't miss out on the incredible opportunity that Douyin Delivery Service provides. Get started today by following the steps outlined above and prepare to witness exponential growth in your business!



  • 提交入驻申请:


  • 审核申请:



    • 审核通过:创作者成功入驻抖音平台,可以开始创作和发布内容。
    • 审核未通过:抖音会给出不通过的原因,创作者可以根据反馈进行修改和重新申请。
  • 创作并发布内容:


  • 遵守平台规范:


  • 与粉丝互动:


  • 总的来说,抖音的入驻规则相对简单明确,主要包括提交申请、审核、创作发布、遵守规范和与粉丝互动等关键步骤。只有具备相关资质并遵守平台规范的创作者才能真正加入抖音创作行列,并享受创作和粉丝互动的乐趣。

    核心提示:抖音外卖入驻 抖音蓝V, 抖音认证,抖音报白,抖音小黄车
    • 地址:浙江省宁波市宁海县跃龙街道东海路8弄5号(自主申报)
    • 电话:15018706671
    • 手机:15018706671
    • 联系人:陈技术员